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Concept of MVC (Model View Controller) in asp.net

♠ Posted by uvesh in at Monday, August 18, 2014

Definition of MVC(Model View Controller) in asp.net

MVC is one of three ASP.NET programming models. MVC is a framework for building web applications using a MVC (Model View Controller) design: The Model represents the application core (for instance a list of database records).

ASP.NET MVC gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that enables a clean separation of concerns and that gives you full control over markup for enjoyable, agile development. ASP.NET MVC includes many features that enable fast.

Models-: Model objects are the parts of the application that implement the logic for the applications data domain. Often, model objects retrieve and store model state in a database. Such as a Product object might retrieve information from a database, operate on it, and then write updated information back to a Products table in SQL Server.

In small applications, the model is often a conceptual separation instead of a physical one. For example, if the application only reads a data set and sends it to the view, the application does not have a physical model layer and associated classes. In that case, the data set takes on the role of a model object.

Views-: Views are the components that display the applications user interface. Typically, this user interface is created from the model data. An example would be an edit view of a Products table that displays text boxes, drop-down lists, and check boxes based on the current state of a Products object.

Controllers-: Controllers are the components that handle user interaction, work with the model, and ultimately select a view to render that displays UI. In an MVC application, the view only displays information; the controller handles and responds to user input and interaction. For example, the controller handles query-string values, and passes these values to the model, which in turn queries the database by using the values.

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